Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wearable Tech at Work

Wearable Technology has boomed this past year! With health and fitness becoming more and more important to people's lifestyles and the new "big butt" fad, people are using their fitness apps to track EVERYTHING! Every calorie they put into their mouths, every step they take, and every pound shed. Fitness App Usage is growing 87% faster than the rest of the market, according to a Tech Crunch article.

With everyone crazy over these fitness apps you think this obsession would stop at work? NO WAY!

Whether your employee does their morning workout before they come to work or they take part of their lunch break, their workout may not be taking time away from their work, but documenting and studying their workout and losses could be taking their attention away from the work you're paying them to do. Its not just their morning run that's taking up their head space, what they had for breakfast could be preventing productivity. With the incline of health apps people, women especially being 62% of the market, they could be constantly thinking about ways to optimize their healthy habits.

Especially if they're working off-site in manual labor type jobs, they're not going to sacrifice all those calories burned, sweat poured and workouts gained by not documenting every single one of them!

Its also such a fad now that people often will text a friend or post a message or picture to their social media pages and say things like, "Look at my gains!" While having your employees be as healthy as they can be is a good thing, but this obsessive culture we live in could be causing their mind to wonder during working hours.

You might be thinking what can I do to stop their work out habits from disrupting your bottom line. No need to worry about their "gains" turning into losses for your company. By investing in cell phone monitoring software like Easy Spy you can assure that your employees are being as productive in their work as they can be. With Easy Spy's help you can track every text message and social media activity to and from their phone.

Don't let Tina's constant laps around the office increase her fitness score but disrupt your company's productivity. Save your bottom line and their waistline with Easy Spy today! To find out more about these features and the other state-of-the-art features that this software offers at

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