Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Prevent Protest in the Work Place

This is the perfect day to grumble through your taxes, knowing that most likely Uncle Sam’s going to take most, if not all of your money. This year, this day marks something more than that! Fast-food workers are protesting their minimum wage pay. Calling for a $6.25 increase, the protesters are asking for the minimum wage to be increased from $8.75 to $15. Were used to hearing complaints about money like clockwork every year, especially when April 15th rolls around, but these complaints have been a long time coming.

The “Fight for $15” campaign has been catching the attention of many media platforms and many large chains have started to make the change. Wal-Mart raised its minimum pay to $9 an hour and Target and T.J. Maxx are both following suit. According to a recent Fox Business article, a unionized electrical foreman, Mitch Tepper, stated “we’re all in the same boat,” saying this campaign could lead to broader wage increases. Of course everyone would like to make more money. You’d be crazy if you didn’t! These employees are banding together to try and bring about change in the work place. Are you worried your employees might be watching these individuals protest right now and grow unhappy with their pay as well?

If you’re an employer, you have probably heard grumblings around the water cooler and possibly heard your own employees complaining about the job pay you’re supplying to them. Sometimes it’s just harmless venting, but how can you make sure that it doesn’t turn into a national sensation like the “Fight for $15” campaign? While you can monitor these feelings with your own ears and attempt an honest discussion with that employee, today it’s more likely that your employee will text their complaint to a friend, or post their work-related problems on their Facebook wall, for fear that you would hear the words coming out of their mouth. The days of overhearing a private phone call and just dealing with that conversation are over. The need to monitor online activities is a new threat in the workplace.

Realistically you can’t be looking over your employees shoulders every minute of the work day, since the work at hand is the priority throughout the day. With the use of cell phone monitoring software like Easy Spy you can let the software “look over their shoulder” for you. With this spy software you are given the ability to track all text messages, call logs, email messages, social media activity and more. This takes the responsibility off your back to monitor your employees and allows you to be free to do your own work without worrying about employee uproar and eventual protest.

Easy Spy is so helpful, even on this Tax Day! By charging a one-time fee, unlike most of the other competitors in this market, it is the most cost-efficient cell phone monitoring software available. Save more of your money from Uncle Sam this Tax Day with Easy Spy

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